Monday, June 3, 2013

Finally After two years, am writing again. writing has always been a great pleasure.

any way am not trying to sell my self or anything but i will try to write as often as i could.

what am writing about today is unemployment in Sudan, as many know Ive recently resigned from my job. the first reaction i heard from people was: "are you crazy?" or " this is not acceptable, now how you gonna live?" knowingly that i have a bit of a luxurious life style.

my answer to them was  my motivation. the fact that I want to follow my dreams. I've been working in a place that I hated. Doing something I really REALLY hate, in the process I lost many things. most importantly TIME.
Am not saying I regret Unity High School, I had an amazing three years there, but the question is should we give up or dreams for the sake of living? or should we fight for it?

Most people answered very negatively. 90% said they lost their dreams along the way, and FWI we are 24-26 years. It's our time to dream and to achieve. It's our moments. nothing is given very easily, and if it was, then there's a problem. We want a better Sudan, yet we arent willing to fight for it. see the irony?

today's post wont be very long, but I want you to think of one thing, what is your DREAM? What is the biggest Fear?

take a moment and think about it 

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